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A Comprehensive Guide to Dog Harnesses: Types and Differences

Galactic Woofers on Dog

As dog owners, we all want to ensure the safety and comfort of our furry friends when we take them out for a walk or a run. One of the most important accessories that can help us achieve this is a dog harness.  

Dog harnesses are becoming increasingly popular, and there are many different types on the market. If you want to keep your fur babies safe, this article is for you. Without further ado, let’s discuss the different kinds of dog harnesses and their differences.  

Standard Harnesses 

A standard harness is the most common type of dog harness. It is made up of a strap that runs around the dog’s chest and another that runs across the dog’s back. The two straps are joined together at the dog’s shoulders, with a ring for attaching a leash or lead. 

Standard harnesses are perfect for dogs that pull on the leash, as they distribute the pressure evenly across the dog’s chest, preventing choking or injury to the neck.

Step-in Harnesses

Step-in harnesses are similar to standard harnesses in design but are put on the dog differently. Instead of being pulled over the dog’s head, step-in harnesses have two leg holes that the dog steps into, and the harness is then lifted and clipped together at the top of the dog’s back. These are ideal for dogs that don’t like things being put over their heads or for dogs with neck injuries.

Head Harnesses

Head harnesses, also known as head collars, are designed to fit over the dog’s head, like a muzzle. The leash attaches to a ring at the bottom of the harness, which sits under the dog’s chin. When the dog pulls on the leash, the harness turns its head towards the owner, preventing them from pulling. 

These harnesses are great for strong pullers, but they can take some getting used to, and some dogs may find them uncomfortable.

Back-clip Harnesses

Back-clip harnesses have a single strap that runs across the dog’s back, with a ring for attaching the leash. These harnesses are ideal for small dogs or dogs that don’t pull on the leash, as they do not distribute pressure evenly across the dog’s chest. 

Back-clip harnesses can also be used for training, as they allow the owner to control the dog’s movements more easily.

Front-clip Harnesses

Front-clip harnesses are similar to standard harnesses but have a ring for attaching the leash at the front of the dog’s chest. When the dog tugs on the leash, the harness turns its body towards the owner, preventing them from pulling. Front-clip harnesses are used for dogs that are strong pullers or for dogs that need extra training.

No-pull Harnesses 

No-pull harnesses are designed to prevent dogs from pulling on the leash. They usually have a front and back clip, with a strap running across the dog’s chest. When the dog pulls on the leash, the harness tightens around its chest, making it uncomfortable for them to yank. 

These harnesses are perfect for dogs that are difficult to train or have a powerful pulling instinct.


When choosing a dog harness, there are many different types on the market, each with advantages and disadvantages. Pick a harness appropriate for your dog’s size, breed, and temperament to ensure it is comfortable and fits correctly. 

If you need a premium adjustable harness and other dog accessories, check out Love Harlso. We’ll help you find the proper harness, so you can ensure your dog’s safety and comfort on walks and runs. Make your time together more enjoyable for you and your pet; browse our collection today!

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