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Dog Harnesses 101: 3 Types & Sizing Tips

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Dog harnesses are essential tools for pet owners. They are designed to provide comfort and safety for dogs during walks, car rides, and outdoor adventures. 

However, with so many types and sizes of dog harnesses available in the market, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. This article will discuss the three types of dog harnesses and offer sizing tips to help you find the perfect fit for your furry friend.

1. Back Clip Harness

Back clip harnesses are the most common type of dog harnesses. They feature a D-ring on the dog’s back, where you can attach the leash. Back clip harnesses are easy to use and control your dog well. They are suitable for small to medium sized dogs that do not pull excessively on the leash. 

However, they are not recommended for large, strong dogs that tend to pull, as they can cause strain on the dog’s neck and spine.

2. Front Clip Harness

Front clip harnesses have a D-ring on the front of the dog’s chest. This design helps to discourage pulling by redirecting the dog’s attention towards you. Front clip harnesses are ideal for dogs that tend to pull on leashes and are suitable for all sizes of dogs. 

They also provide better control over the dog’s movements, making them excellent for training and walking.

3. No Pull Harness

No pull harnesses are designed to prevent dogs from pulling on the leash. They feature a front and back clip, allowing more control over the dog’s movements. No pull harnesses are ideal for large and strong dogs that tend to pull on the leash. 

They are also suitable for dogs that tend to escape from their harnesses. However, they can be more challenging to put on and take off than other harnesses.

Sizing Tips for Dog Harnesses

Choosing the right dog harness size is crucial for your dog’s comfort and safety. Too tight harnesses can cause discomfort and restrict the dog’s movement, while an excessively-loose harness can slip off or cause chafing. Here are some sizing tips to help you find the ideal fit for your furry companion.

1. Measure your Dog’s Girth

The girth is the widest part of your dog’s ribcage, just behind the front legs. Use a measuring tape to measure your dog’s girth, and add two inches to the measurement to ensure a comfortable fit. Most harnesses have sizing charts to help you find the right size based on your dog’s girth measurement.

2. Check the Harness’s Adjustability

Most harnesses come with adjustable straps that allow you to customize the fit to your dog’s body. Check the harness’s adjustability before purchasing to make sure that you can make the necessary adjustments to fit your dog’s body shape.

3. Consider Your Dog’s Breed and Body Type

Different breeds and body types require different types of harnesses. For example, small dogs with delicate necks may benefit from a harness that distributes pressure evenly across the chest. On the other hand, large and muscular dogs may require a harness that offers more control over their movements. Consider your dog’s breed and body type when choosing a harness.

Final Thoughts

Dog harnesses are essential for pet owners who want to provide comfort and safety for their furry friends during walks and outdoor activities. Choosing the right type and size of harness is crucial for your dog’s comfort and safety.

Back clip harnesses are ideal for small to medium-sized dogs that do not pull excessively on the leash, while front clip and no-pull harnesses are suitable for all dogs. Use the sizing tips mentioned above to ensure you choose the right harness size for your furry friend.

Get your furry friend the perfect fit and comfort with Love Harlso’s high-quality dog harnesses. Shop now and ensure your dog’s safety during walks and outdoor activities. Choose Love Harlso, your trusted source for all your dog harness needs.

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